
If you’re reading this, one of the following may describe you:

1) You are wondering who the hell I am. 

2) You are trying to figure out if this Drew Mackie is Drew Mackie the baseball player, Drew Mackie the hockey player or Drew Mackie the Scottish urban designer. (I am none of these. I am sorry.)

3) You have remembered my name after several decades of not seeing me and you’re curious if I’m still alive, if I’m gay now or if I’ve lost my looks. (Yes to all three!)

I grew up in a small town where the high school mascot looked like the killer from a slasher movie. I went to college and tried working at newspapers but quickly realized that working for newspapers means everyone is always mad at you. Now I live in Los Angeles and make podcasts! Which is not that different from working at a newspaper except that somewhat more people interact with my creative efforts and somewhat fewer people are mad at me on a daily basis. I genuinely feel like I failed to deliver on any of the promise I showed as a child, but I do have a mustache and a dog (pictured), so that counts for something.